Friday, March 30, 2012

Merchandising Deployment and Derived Catalogs Issue

When your application is in a standalone mode, and you have configured your Publishing, Staging and Production servers, it is quite often that you will end up in a situation where the Products/SKUs are not getting displayed on the page because of 'no catalog found' issue.

I was facing this issue and identified that, CatalogMaintatenenceService (CMS) is responsible for deriving this relationship. This will happen based one how you have configured your CMS. If you have configured CMS to run immediately after deploying a project with Product Catalog changes then it will get derived and all goes well.

Sometimes you need to manually run the CMS. In that case you need to execute the CMS from the below location,

In your staging/production, go to dyn/admin

atg/commerce/catalog/custom/CatalogMaintenanceService and click on performMaintenence.

The below tables store the derived catalogs relation ship.



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